

If your organisation is struggling to keep the “pressure” on for the targets and tasks planned for the action phase, you’re not alone. The vast majority of our clients use SMART-plan to protect what they do.


SMART-plan.NET is a web-based tool which provides a 100% overview of all projects in progress – online! At the same time, it complies with what staff need to show and document what they’ve achieved.

SMART-plan.NET also drives processes, actively contributing to making sure that agreed measures are completed by the agreed time. The system reminds project managers about deadlines, while at the same time superiors are asked for evaluations and feedback once the task is complete.



SMART-plan.NET makes it easy for administrators to ensure that efficient experience exchanges are taking place; good measures can be duplicated and repeated mistakes can be prevented.


SMART-plan.NET demands no installation, no tough training, no investment. Humetrica will deal with backups and technical issues. So users can concentrate on their processes and projects!


Efficiency up to a significant extent, at a minute cost!


A modest annual subscription fee and an annual sum per user provide access to SMART-plan.NET – all users need is access to the Internet!


S = Specific

M = Measurable

A = Agreed

R = Realistic

T = Time limited



SMART-plan.NET takes activities from plan to agenda!

© 2006 Humetrica a/s - Dronningens gate 25 - Postboks 832 Sentrum, 0104 Oslo - Tlf: