Humetrica Organisation Analysis
Our Organisation Analysis is a result of more than 15 years’ experience in the industry. It’s still our most important product. Analysis implementation is very streamlined. If your organisation needs a tool to clarify important elements linked with human resources, this analysis is an extremely potent instrument.
Humetrica Organisation Analysis is a standardised tool used for thorough working environment charting. All staff respond to a questionnaire, thereby reporting on vital aspects of their psychosocial working environment. This concept consists of an organisation analysis, report generation with appealing, easy to understand graphics, and practical enhancement tools.
Companies both large and small use this tool to carry out regular reviews of their psychosocial working environment, and more than 90% of our clients carry out these analyses every year. To date, more than 200 000 employees have taken part in our analyses, providing unique standardisation data on the quality we supply to our clients. And what’s more, this tool has been thoroughly tested and is now subject to further research via two master’s theses in Psychology, among other things.
Here are just a few of the advantages of Humetrica Organisation Analysis:
Standardised concept with a large database for comparisons
Option for additional, self-defined questions
Web-based or hard copy responses
Reports distributed electronically to managers
Associated concept for target and action plans, SMART-plan
Skreddersydd Organisasjonsundersøkelse
Humetrica har i løpet av de senere år utviklet og administrert skreddersydde målinger for en rekke virksomheter. Skreddersøm tillater fult eierskap gjennom fokus på bedriftens eget verdigrunnlag og begrepsapparat. Humetrica kan gjennomføre hele jobben fra operasjonalisering med utgangspunkt i strategiske dokumenter til distribusjon av ferdige rapporter, eller vi kan utføre deler av en slik leveranse (f.eks. leveranse av elektronisk plattform). |