Recruitment assistance

Candidate selection is all about reducing uncertainty.
Employing new staff can be demanding in terms of costs and resources: employing the wrong staff always is.


Thanks to its many years of experience, Humetrica has developed tools, methods and instruments to enhance security when employing new staff. We ensure quality and streamline the selection process with the aid of our experienced consultants, all of whom have enormous psychological skills. Make the most of our skills in terms of recruitment advice and guidance, tools and electronic systems.

We have a rich “toolbox” consisting of personality tests, work preference tests, ability tests, job analysis tools, inboxes and simulation tasks, and an assessment centre. In addition, we offer our CompMap, which handles applicants with ease using filter functions and weighting of skills and abilities, regardless of the number of applicants. What’s more, CompMap provides simple solutions for communication with applicants and the distribution of extended applicant lists, as well as much more besides. And all of this goes to make up the Humetrica Assessment Concept.

However, if your company doesn’t need us to help out with the entire process from A to Z, we’re more than happy to just help out with specific parts of your recruitment process. Some of our clients opt to run their own application drives and interview rounds, but then require personality analyses and/or work preference tests. Other clients don’t want to test their candidates, but instead they opt to use us for the application process. Our CompMap allows us to handle sets of applications, both large and small, and to put forward the most appropriate candidates to the client for interview.

There’s a lot of flexibility in our recruitment concepts, and it’s up to our clients to make selections from our range of products and services. No matter what you go for, we guarantee the high professional and scientific standards of our products.

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