
Humetrica Personality Inventory

Humetrica Personality Inventory (HUPI-5) is a personality analysis. This analysis is based on the five-factor model, which has been the prevailing trend in the field of personality research over the last 10-15 years.


Most of our existing clients use this analysis for recruitment. We use it just as frequently ourselves for manager development and other situations in which it’s important to really familiarise ourselves with what makes a person tick. This analysis indicates what are typical actions, thoughts and feelings of the subject. Validity, reliability and standardisation are addressed in the manner appropriate for tests of this nature.

HUPI-5 is administered electronically, and its use requires participation in a licensing course.

Humetrica Work Style Index

Humetrica Work Style Index (H-WSI) is a tool for charting individuals’ working styles and team role preferences. H-WSI is also arranged for assessments of complete teams. This tool is based on the theories of M. Belbin.
When people have to work together to achieve a target, it’s essential to use the right people for the right tasks. Making sure that individuals have the right knowledge and skills is one thing. But as well as this, you have to remember that we’re all different when it comes to the ways in which we approach the tasks we have to do.

H-WSI includes a separate requirement specification module which is particularly beneficial for use in the field of recruitment.

H-WSI is used just as often in team development as in recruitment and company restructuring.

H-WSI is administered electronically, and its use requires participation in a licensing course.

Licensing course

Once you’ve taken part in a licensing course, you yourself can administer the issuing and generation of reports via our online test system. This course will give you the theoretical and practical knowledge you need to start using our tests.

If you’ve previously been licensed to use our tests or similar personality tools, we can offer you a course leading to DNV certification. Find out more here.

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